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Gun Bluing Made Easy with Uncle Fester's Cookbook

Uncle Festers Cookbook Gun Bluing: What Is It and How to Make It

If you are looking for a way to make your own gun bluing at home, you might have come across a book called Uncle Festers Cookbook. This book, written by an anonymous author who goes by the name of Uncle Fester, is a guide on how to make various substances, including methamphetamine, explosives, poisons, and gun bluing. In this article, we will explain what Uncle Festers Cookbook is, what gun bluing is, and how to make gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook.

Uncle Festers Cookbook Gun Bluing

What Is Uncle Festers Cookbook?

Uncle Festers Cookbook, also known as Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture, is a book that was first published in 1985 by an author who claims to be a former chemistry professor. The book contains recipes and instructions on how to make various substances, mostly illegal drugs, using household chemicals and equipment. The book has been banned in many countries and has been used as evidence in several criminal cases involving drug manufacturing. The author, who uses the pseudonym Uncle Fester, has written several other books on similar topics, such as Home Workshop Explosives, Silent Death, Practical LSD Manufacture, and Advanced Techniques of Clandestine Psychedelic & Amphetamine Manufacture.

What Is Gun Bluing?

Gun bluing is a process that involves applying a thin layer of protective coating on metal surfaces, especially firearms, to prevent rusting and corrosion. The coating also gives the metal a dark blue or black color that enhances its appearance. Gun bluing can be done using various methods, such as hot bluing, cold bluing, rust bluing, niter bluing, charcoal bluing, or fume bluing. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, durability, ease of application, and quality of results.

How to Make Gun Bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook

One of the methods that Uncle Festers Cookbook teaches is how to make gun bluing using ammonium nitrate, sodium hydroxide, and zinc dust. These are common chemicals that can be found in fertilizer, drain cleaner, and paint respectively. The process involves creating a solution of sodium nitrite and zinc oxide, which can then be used to blue metal surfaces. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook.

Ingredients and Equipment

To make gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:

  • Ammonium nitrate (fertilizer)

  • Sodium hydroxide (drain cleaner)

  • Zinc dust (paint)

  • Water

  • A large glass or ceramic container

  • A glass or plastic stirring rod

  • A coffee filter or cheesecloth

  • A funnel

  • A glass or plastic bottle with a cap

  • A stove or a hot plate

  • A thermometer

  • Gloves, goggles, and a mask for safety

Safety Precautions

Before you start making gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook, you should take some safety precautions to avoid accidents and injuries. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Wear gloves, goggles, and a mask to protect your skin, eyes, and lungs from the chemicals.

  • Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling the fumes.

  • Keep the chemicals away from heat, flames, sparks, and other sources of ignition.

  • Do not mix the chemicals with other substances, especially acids, as they may react violently and produce toxic gases.

  • Do not ingest or inhale the chemicals or the solution, as they may cause serious health problems.

  • Dispose of the waste materials properly and safely according to local regulations.

The Process

Once you have gathered all the ingredients and equipment and taken the necessary safety precautions, you can start making gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Dissolve Ammonium Nitrate in Water

In the large glass or ceramic container, add 500 grams of ammonium nitrate and 500 milliliters of water. Stir the mixture with the stirring rod until the ammonium nitrate dissolves completely. You should see a clear solution with no solid particles. The solution will also become cold as the ammonium nitrate absorbs heat from the water.

Step 2: Add Sodium Hydroxide and Stir

Slowly add 250 grams of sodium hydroxide to the ammonium nitrate solution while stirring continuously. Be careful not to splash or spill the solution, as it will become very hot and caustic. The sodium hydroxide will react with the ammonium nitrate to form sodium nitrite and ammonia gas. You should see bubbles forming in the solution and smell a strong odor of ammonia. The solution will also turn yellowish-brown in color.

Step 3: Add Zinc Dust and Stir

Gradually add 100 grams of zinc dust to the hot solution while stirring constantly. The zinc dust will react with the sodium nitrite to form zinc oxide and sodium hydroxide. You should see a white precipitate forming in the solution and settling at the bottom. The solution will also become less yellowish-brown and more clear.

Step 4: Filter the Solution

Place the coffee filter or cheesecloth over the funnel and place the funnel over the bottle. Carefully pour the solution through the filter into the bottle, leaving behind the white precipitate in the container. You should have about 500 milliliters of clear liquid in the bottle. This is your gun bluing solution.

Step 5: Boil the Solution

Place the bottle with the cap loosely on top on the stove or hot plate and heat it until it boils. Boiling the solution will remove any excess ammonia gas and water vapor from it, making it more concentrated and effective. You should see steam coming out of the bottle. Boil the solution for about 15 minutes or until it reduces by half.

Step 6: Cool and Store the Solution

How to Use Gun Bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook

Now that you have made your own gun bluing solution with Uncle Festers Cookbook, you can use it to blue your metal surfaces. Here is a guide on how to use gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook.

Preparing the Metal Surface

Before you apply the bluing solution, you need to prepare the metal surface for bluing. This will ensure a better adhesion and a more uniform finish. Here are the steps to prepare the metal surface for bluing:

  • Remove any previous finish. If the metal surface has any existing finish, such as paint, varnish, or lacquer, you need to remove it with a grinder or sandpaper. You should see only bare metal.

  • Sand out any pits. If the metal surface has any pits or scratches, you need to sand them out with a fine grit sandpaper. This will smooth out the metal and make it more even.

  • Clean the metal. Clean the metal with a degreaser, such as alcohol or acetone, to remove any dirt or oil. Any remaining debris will affect the bluing process and result in a poor finish.

  • Dry the metal. Dry the metal with a soft cloth or a hair dryer to remove any moisture. Moisture will cause rusting and interfere with the bluing process.

Applying the Bluing Solution

Once the metal surface is prepared, you can apply the bluing solution that you made with Uncle Festers Cookbook. Here are the steps to apply the bluing solution:

  • Heat the metal. Heat the metal with a torch until it reaches a dull red color. This will open up the pores of the metal and allow the bluing solution to penetrate better.

  • Dip the metal in oil. Dip the hot metal in oil for a few seconds to cool it down and prevent oxidation. You can use any type of oil, such as vegetable oil or motor oil.

  • Dip the metal in bluing solution. Dip the oiled metal in your bluing solution for about 10 minutes or until it reaches the desired color. The longer you leave it in, the darker it will become.

  • Rinse the metal in water. Rinse the blued metal in water to remove any excess bluing solution and stop the reaction.

  • Dry and polish the metal. Dry and polish the blued metal with a soft cloth or a buffing wheel to remove any residue and enhance its shine.

Finishing Touches

After you have applied the bluing solution, you can add some finishing touches to protect and beautify your metal surface. Here are some tips for finishing touches:

  • Apply a protective oil. Apply a thin layer of protective oil, such as gun oil or mineral oil, to prevent rusting and corrosion. You can also use wax or lacquer for extra protection.

  • Touch up any spots. If there are any spots or areas that are not evenly blued, you can touch them up with cold bluing solution or a bluing pen. These are available at most gun shops or online.

  • Enjoy your blued metal surface. You have successfully used gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook to create a durable and attractive finish for your metal surface. You can use this method for any type of steel, such as knives, tools, firearms, or jewelry.


In this article, we have explained what Uncle Festers Cookbook is, what gun bluing is, and how to make gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook. We have also provided a step-by-step guide on how to use gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook to blue your metal surfaces. By following this guide, you can create your own gun bluing solution at home using common chemicals and equipment, and apply it to your metal surfaces for a durable and attractive finish.

If you are interested in learning more about Uncle Festers Cookbook and other topics related to chemistry, DIY projects, and survival skills, you can check out his other books on Amazon or his website at You can also find more information and tips on gun bluing and other metalworking techniques on various online forums and blogs.

We hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy bluing!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook:

  • Q: Is gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook legal?A: Gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook is legal as long as you are not using it for illegal purposes, such as making firearms without a license or modifying firearms illegally. However, some of the chemicals used in the process, such as ammonium nitrate and sodium hydroxide, may be regulated or restricted in some areas, so you should check your local laws before obtaining or using them.

  • Q: Is gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook safe?A: Gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook is safe if you follow the safety precautions and instructions carefully. However, some of the chemicals used in the process, such as ammonium nitrate and sodium hydroxide, are hazardous and can cause burns, irritation, or poisoning if mishandled. You should wear gloves, goggles, and a mask when working with them, and keep them away from heat, flames, sparks, and other sources of ignition. You should also work in a well-ventilated area and dispose of the waste materials properly and safely.

  • Q: Is gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook effective?A: Gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook is effective if you follow the steps correctly and use the right amount of chemicals and equipment. The bluing solution that you make with Uncle Festers Cookbook will create a thin layer of oxide on the surface of the metal that will protect it from rusting and corrosion. The bluing solution will also give the metal a dark blue or black color that will enhance its appearance. However, the effectiveness of the bluing solution may vary depending on the type and quality of the metal, the temperature and duration of the process, and the number of coats applied.

  • Q: How long does gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook last?A: Gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook will last for a long time if you take good care of your metal surface. You should apply a protective oil or wax to your metal surface after bluing to prevent rusting and corrosion. You should also avoid scratching or damaging your metal surface, as this will expose the bare metal underneath and cause it to rust. If your metal surface does get rusty or faded over time, you can reapply the bluing solution to restore its color and protection.

  • Q: Can I use gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook for other metals?A: Gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook works best for steel, as steel is the most common metal used for firearms and other metal projects. However, you can also use gun bluing with Uncle Festers Cookbook for other metals, such as iron, copper, brass, or bronze. However, the results may vary depending on the type and quality of the metal, as some metals may not react well with the bluing solution or may require different amounts of chemicals or equipment.



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